Dryad the tree spirit caribou,
Protector of the Mountain Ash forest, the markings on his face represent how many centuries he's lived. I made this guy while I was researching one of the tallest Eucalypt tree's here in Victoria, it's a Mountain Ash Eucalypt and It's located in the Toolangi State Forest. It is said to be around 300 years old and has escaped many bushfires and logging.
Background story:
There are many different tree spirit caribou's, each one is representative of each tree they protect, their age reflects how old the tree is. Dryad is the protector of the Mountain Ash forest, the markings on his face represent how many centuries he's lived. Tree spirit caribou's are found throughout Wunderkammer.

I was inspired by the lush forest greenery, although Mountain Ash Eucalypts are evergreen trees, his antlers were inspired by their branches. The three markings on his face are representative of how many centuries the tree has lived. I chose orange eyes for him as they are striking next to his green coat, and again my trademark black eye tufts draw you into his eyes, while the white highlighting brings the eyes out.

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