Oxy the Blue Billed Platypus.
Background story: Male blue billed platypus' have a striking blue bill to attract females, while the females have a brown with a slight blue tinge bill. They are found in the Clearwater region.

This is my second platypus doll and I wanted to create a platypus that was a little different from a realistic one. So I drew some inspiration from an Australian animal called a blue billed duck, they have a striking blue bill.

Oxy is made from a thick pile faux fur making him incredibly soft, I decided to keep him all the one brown colour as I wanted the bill to be the feature of this doll. I gave him subtle gold coloured eyes so they don't draw away from the bill, while this time I did not use my black eye tufts.

This guy will be available for purchase this Friday morning between 9-10am AEST in my Etsy shop. Alternatively you can check me out on my social media pages below. Also check out my Society6 and Redbubble shop for prints and more.