Background story: Ice foxes are majestic creatures, although they are warm blooded, when you are close to one you can feel a cold sensation emanating from their body. Ice foxes live mainly in caves they have dug themselves called caverns, these caverns have an elaborate tunnel system consisting of an area for their young, an area for the adults and an area for the patriarch. As ice foxes have the ability to mildly change the temperature around them, they can regulate the temperature of the caverns.
Ice foxes can be found around the Mineral Springs area in Clearwater, sometimes venturing up into the Mountain Ash area.

I had this body sitting around for quite a long time, I've always had the intentions of making it an ice or winter type fox but was never really inspired to do so until now. I recently started making creatures that are more representative of the land in Wunderkammer so decided this guy belonged to a colder climate.
I wanted to break up the blue colouring with black and white so decided to give him a mostly white face and add a few black tips. I also decided to give him blue eyes as I wanted to relate back to the body colouring, again I used my black eye tufts to enhance his eyes however, I decided to blend a little bit of silver into his eye line and nose.

Kōri has a resin face and claws that were cast from an original sculpture hand crafted by me. His body is made from a thick pile faux fur which was designed and sewn by me, he has a wire armature inside making him fully poseable, his face was painted in acrylic paints and furred by hand for a seamless transition.
Kōri is approximately 20x15cm head to tail.

This guy will be available for purchase this Friday morning between 9-10am AEST in my Etsy shop. Alternatively you can check me out on my social media pages below. Also check out my Society6 and Redbubble shop for prints and more.