Olmec is a very rare and ancient creature, thought to be extinct thousands of years ago, there was one recently discovered living in Wemkeer under the protection of the tribes people there. Their antlers and hooves have ancient writing inscribed on them which glow from white to blue. As these creatures were thought to be extinct, nobody knows what this ancient writing means. Their bodies are also covered in blue markings and their eyes are pupiless. Some say these markings are a key for an ancient artifact or place.
Ancient Ice Stags use to range in the northern areas of Cry India, as there is only one in excistance, it resides deep in the caves of Krymera, protected by the tribes people there.

As stags seem to be quite a popular creature of mine, I decided to make another, but I wanted to make it a little different this time and add more of a mysteriousness and have an ancient feel. I wanted to add some ancient writing to the horns, I tried a realistic looking antler to start off with but I wasn't happy with the way it looked, and made the writing look a little washed out. So I decided to go for solid black antlers, this way the writing would stand out. I also wanted to add some markings to the body that somewhat resembled an ancient key puzzle, so naturally I kept with the blue theme and made the markings a darker blue.

Olmec has a resin face and hooves that were cast from an original sculpture hand crafted by me, he also has glass eyes which were cast in the resin. His body is made from thick faux fur which was designed and sewn by me, he has a plastic ball and socket armature inside making him fully poseable, his face was furred by hand and painted in acrylic paints.
Olmec is approximately 30 x 30cm head to tail.

Olmec will be up for grabs in my new shop this Friday around 8am AEST. Alternatively you can check me out on my social media pages below. Also check out my Society6 and Redbubble shop for prints and more.