Thundercats are intense creatures, they emit a crackling sound when they walk that sounds like thunder, because of this they are feared throughout the lands. They tend to have a bad temper if disturbed and will attack on sight. These cats have a unique pattern on each indiviuals coats, much like our own fingerprint. They can range from blues, yellows and oranges with markings in black.
Thundercats can be found mainly in the Yellow Tribal Lands in Cry India, but have been seen roaming in almost all regions.

After a request to do more cats, I decided to create another one of my wildcats. This time I cast in some striking yellow glass eyes, and created a matching coat. I wanted to add some yellow and black to the faux fur, so weighed up the ideas of either airbrushing it or dying it, each has their own pros and cons which I discuss in my Youtube video of making Tentō. I decided to dye the faux fur as I wanted it to be softer to the touch.

Tentō has a resin face and paws that were cast from an original sculpture hand crafted by me. Her body is made from high quality faux fur, she has a plastic ball and socket armature inside making her fully poseable, her face was painted in acrylic paints.
Tentō is approximately 50 x 30cm head to tail, she is completely poseable.

Tentō is sold but there are more creatures looking for homes in my shop, link below. Alternatively you can check me out on my social media pages below. Also check out my Society6 and Redbubble shop for prints and more.